Monday, November 13, 2006

Thank you USFS. The two wildfire teams with our limited resources got together to purchase an Adirondack chair for the Forest Service. We then burned the Americorps logo and USFS logo into the wood with a soldering iron. Next our names were burned in and the chair was stained and weather proofed. The finishing touch is a last minute inspiration to define the rule of "Fives". Fives was often used at the FS work center. Most of the definition is adapted from a Wikapedia definition. It might be hard to read the definition in the picture so here it is.

Fives. A convention used to retain ownership of a particular seat during a temporary vacancy. While departing from their seat the caller declares "fives" and is granted exactly five minutes absence during which time their seat will not be available to others.

In other news my father contacted the Brighton Pittsford Post and they decided to interviewed me for an article. The article was recently published.
Link to article PDF:
Brighton Pittsford Post

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