Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Food bank. Rob check out our super cool uniforms.

Note: green shirts indicate a team leader or "TL"

Now for the good news or the "other" news?
GOOD-I've been accepted into the Earth Unit in the wildfire team. Being a part of wildfire will change my experience. Instead of traveling to spike projects I will be traveling to fires. The teams are two crews of 10. Since we are a special exception the powers that be told us our first project. It involves doing taxes for low income family's in Chicago while we train for the fire season. I guess since I'm low income I can do my taxes at work.

OTHER-The Bush administration has chosen to cancel funding for the Americorps NCCC program starting 2007. I'll be posting more information as the Denver corps members take action. Since I'm a government employee I can't express my opinions or those of Americorps NCCC. However, you can. I'll be posting more information as it comes my way. Keep in mind congress has a chance to over ride the Bush changes.

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