Friday, September 29, 2006

Settling into camp

IMG_2123, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

Chucking debris off the cliff

IMG_2164, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

Working with this view beats any office window.

The textbook cut

IMG_2155, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

My fellow sawyer Adam was impressed with this particular cut so I posed for a picture with it. Note: It was a level cut; it just looks slanted because it’s off the stump and on uneven ground.

View from ridge line

IMG_2149, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

We tied into the rocky ridgeline, which kept the chains of line we had to dig reasonable.

Stop taking pictures and dig!

IMG_2118, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

Digging line for the controlled burn.

Fort Collins. Spent this week (Mon-Fri) digging & cutting line for a controlled burn outside Fort Collins. Ten of us Americorps and two Forest Service camped out in the cold fall weather at 8,500ft. The experience was great. It was an opportunity to bond with everyone. We sat around the campfire every night and enjoyed all hamburgers and hot dogs one could eat. Due to weather conditions the burn had been postponed from Saturday.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Indian Peaks Wilderness - Lake

DSCN0106, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

Aspen colors

DSCN0103, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

First snow. Spent the weekend camping at Brainerd Lake and hiking in the Indian Peak Wilderness. Camping the first day at 9,000 ft proved to be extremely cold and windy. The next day Melanie and I hiked to one of the many lakes in Indian Peak Wilderness. Most of the other hikers were headed to one of the near by peaks. They all had crampons and heavy down winter parkas with them. We turned around at the lake since we had tennis shoes and fall jackets.

A group of four Corps members left for California on a two-week dispatch this weekend. The Cali fires have been getting tons of media coverage here.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cutting Complete! Every year the FS (Forest Service) is given a quota of acreage to thin in the forest. For that reason Americorps has been manning chain saws and swamping debris. Lately it’s been a made rush to get done before the deadline. Today we completed the FS goals. What do you win for completing early? Even more work next year. More importantly people can continue to be sent on dispatches. Dispatches are important for Americorps enjoyment, FS employee over-time and keeping FS costs down to stay on budget.

Friday, September 8, 2006

More pictures. If you want to see more pictures from UT. Check it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Bumbershoot. Spent the last 5 nights in Seattle WA with Melanie. Near a hundred bands played in the Seattle Center. Got to see Tribe Called Quest, Steve Miller Band, Kanye West and Atmosphere. Seattle Center was home of the worlds fair and bumbershoot is British for umbrella (also the name of the festival). Also got to see some good friends, Laura and Rob.

Mainstage with Kanye West

DSCN0073, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

West is a huge sell out

Space Needle

DSCN0061, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

Melanie and I at the Space Needle

IMG_2094, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

Laura and I at Steve Miller Band

IMG_2111, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.

Seattle skyline from Space Needle

IMG_2101, originally uploaded by stevempassmore.